Thursday, 31 May 2012


Today started off a little hectic, but slowed down towards the afternoon and I had a chance to relax with my friends form Lund. We stayed home, cooked dinner and just enjoyed each others company.

Tomorrow is going to be another great day in Sweden. I am going to meet up with Patricia in Lund (we haven't seen each other for days and feel we are starting to get separation anxiety ;). Then we are going to head off to Malmo to do some shopping. In Norway even when we wanted to go shopping, we couldn't! There were no shops to spend our money on. Tomorrows shopping spree is going to be a lovely treat for us.

Busy day

This morning I am buuusy! Starting the day with a dentist appointment at 07.40 in the morning, after race to a doctors appointment, then the gym. After that get ready and get into Lund to see Lisa and Malte, do some shopping and then hopefully be able to relax in the evening with some nice company Lund.

Don't you hate having just a short period of time to see everyone and do everything! On the other hand even if there is never enough time, I do like having these highly intense trips to Sweden, as I don't often have the time to get bored here as there is always something to do, which I never felt when I used to live here.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

First day in Sweden

So I have been in Sweden for a day now and have enjoyed myself immensely! I woke up early, joined the gym here so that I can work out for the week I am staying here. Then I took the bus into Lund and from there a train to Landskrona, where my closest friend Lisa lives. We spent the day just eating, catching up and playing with her 5 month baby Malte.  He is such a happy little baby and I love spending time with him. 

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

On the plane to Copenhagen

Right now we are on the plane to Copenhagen. I love the fact that most Norwegian flights have free wifi on their flights. Just makes it so much easier to pass the time.

We had a very eventful stop over in Oslo. 
After having browsed the duty-free shops for about 10 mins we suddenly hear the announcer say that its the last call for the Copenhagen flight. Patricia and I freak out and start to run! Both of us with massive hand luggage, and me carrying my winter jacket. So we run and run, stopped for 4 seconds to check which gate we are meant to run too, and finally arrive at gate 42. As soon as we laid eyes in the computer screen, we realise that its the wrong airline! Our flight was not supposed to leave for another 30 mins.... after pissing ourselves with laughter, we went and bought some lunch.

At the airport

We have finally made it to the airport, and I do have to say its the smallest airport ever! the security check took a total of 1.5 minutes. That is a new record for me.

Having travelled a lot I do have quite a few great airport anecdotes. However there is no time for that now and I will get back to that another time.

What are your best airport stories?

Last night Patricia and I celebrated our leaving with pizza and pink champagne. That was a very nice treat  after these many months here.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Last day in Norway

I just finished my last shift at work! Leaving work today was the greatest feeling!
Tomorrow we finally fly away from here. 

Me and Patricia have been franticly packing the past few days. As we are girls, we of course have way to much stuff!

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Eurovision song contest

Last night was the Eurovision song contest final.
Sweden won for for the 5th time in Eurovision history.

Loreen won with the song Euphoria.

The past Swedish winners throughout the years have been:

1974 ABBA with Waterloo
1984 Herrey with Diggi-loo diggi-ley 
1991 Carola with Fangad av en stomvind
1998 Charlotte Nilsson with Take me to your heaven

These songs have become Swedish classics and everyone knows the lyrics to them. 

Loreen did definitely have one of the best songs, however I just fell in love with Germanys contestant Roman Lob. He is so cute!

Did anyone else think that Turkeys contestant looked and sounded a little like Borat?

Saturday, 26 May 2012


Traveling is a big passion of mine!

I was used to flying in airplanes before I could even walk!
The excitement of my upcoming trip has made me think about past travels and which have been my absolute favourite. 
In the past few years my travels have been concentrated mostly in Europe, and my absolutely  favourite  trips have been: 
1. A 24 hour visit to Venice to celebrate my birthday
2. A summer where I travelled from Switzerland - Sweden - Turkey - Austria - Back to Switzerland
On these trips I had so much fun and loved every minute of them!!

What have been your best holidays?




Thursday, 24 May 2012

Favorite blogs

I really like to read blogs. However I only have very few that I like and continuously read. Those blogs you can find on the right side in a box called "Blogs I like", if you would be interested in looking at them yourselves.

Now I feel like finding a new interesting blog to follow. What are you favourite blogs? Which blogs would you recommend? What do you think makes a blog worth following?

Cant wait to be back in London and enjoy some Pimms!!

Tuesday, 22 May 2012


Yummy dessert today! 

Sunny days!

I have the day off work and to my surprise its sunny!! :)

Its amazing to be able to see the sun again. The only downside is that its still a little cold (8 degrees) and somewhat (very) windy. 
oh well. soon I will be able to just chill on the beach in Bali with lots of sun! :)


There is a blog that i read every day. Its written by Dani. She writes one of the most interesting blogs that I have found! You can find her blog here. She has a dark side to her, which i find fascinating, she is very pretty and believe it or not, but a few years ago she won a Angelina Jolie lookalike contest.

Dani has also posted a small competition on her blog, where the winner gets to wine a beautiful bracelet from By Elaa. They have the most gorgeous and cute jewellery. Take a look for yourselves :)

Monday, 21 May 2012



Final week

Now that we have finally come to our last week here, it is time to do some hardcore training at the gym! I have even quit eating chocolate, which for me is very difficult as I have been addicted to it for many years!  Hopefully this make a difference!

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Final countdown

The countdown has started.

9 days left and counting. 
Tickets have been checked and re-checked.
Packing has started.
Excitement is mounting.

Soon its good bye Norway and hello to the adventure of a lifetime!

Friday, 18 May 2012


Yesterday the other swedish girls here decided to surprise me with a nice dinner and "cake". I was at work when the 3 of them suddenly parade in and barricade the kitchen.
We had a lovely sit down dinner and for dessert instead of a cake there was a pyramid of cookies, cinnamon buns and cupcakes! 

Just had to add this picture of these girls wearing the  Norwegian national dress 

Thursday, 17 May 2012

17th May

17th May is Norways Consitution day or more commonly known as the National day . More importantly its also my birthday ;-) 

This is how Finnsnes celebrated the day

My lovely birthday presents :)

Wednesday, 16 May 2012


I just found one very useful website for those of you who are flying somewhere. Its called All you need to do is type in which flight you are taking and you will find out exactly which plane you are going to be flying on, which seats are good or bad etc. 

 Gone are the days where you are just stuck on a random seat and end up next to the emergency exit or lavatories for 12 hours. I know that from now on, I will know exactly which seats I am going to request.


I dare say that spring might have finally come to Finnsnes!

Was sitting in the sun on a terrace for the first time this year. It felt amazing! It was probably the first day this year that it wasn't  necessary to wear a winter jacket! :D

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Gym "Fika"

Fika is one of the suedes favourite pastime pleasures. It is a swedish word with many meanings. There is no direct translation in english, but it can be used for meeting up, socialising, going for a coffee, sitting at a cafe with friends or just spending time together.

Today after our gym session Patricia and I had a small "fika" at the gym with our protein shake :)  

Monday, 14 May 2012

14 days left!

Sorry for not having posted anything in daaaays! Have been busy at work and have not had any time to even just sit and relax this weekend!

Now I only have another 14 days left here in Norway, which means I need to start getting ready for the move. There is lots of business to attend to. Many boring things such as going to the tax office, talking to the police about my de-registartion, terminate the flat and internet contract and so on.... the fun part of getting ready to leave is the packing! I love packing! I always associate it with something fun about to happen. 

The past few years I have been traveling and moving countries more times than I can remember. This has caused me to have 3 different bases in 3 different countries for where I store all my things. This can be slightly annoying at times as I will realise that I have something I need in a completely different country and won't be able to retrieve it until the next time I'm there.

Does anyone else have the same problem?

Friday, 11 May 2012

Tuff crowd

So you guys are quiet a tuff crowd. As I haven't received any comments on my blog yet I'm not sure if you like it or not. I know its just the start and you might be shy ;), however this is just the get to know me stage. Very soon (17 days) I will be moving on to more interesting places and there will be lots more interesting things for me to write about.

While I'm here let me know what you think. :)

Also I am very happy to announce that I finally have readers from 5 different continents! Am now waiting for readers from Africa to discover my blog.

When do we grow up?

When I was little, the only thing I wanted was to become an adult. It always looked so appealing and you could be in control of your own life, never having parents telling you what to do or not to do. I vowed that I would eat ice cream and chocolate everyday instead of dinner. Dreaming that I would be absolutely awesome when I would finally be an adult.

At the age of 10 I thought that being 16 was grown up. Reaching 16 and starting the equivalent of high school in Sweden, it hit me that I was still far away from being an adult. Three years later graduating high school at 19, I still wasn't quite sure if I was there yet. Come on, no job and no future plans! I didn't feel ready to be all grown up yet.

Graduation bal,  Lund 2005
My pimping graduation ride! 2005
Me and some of the girls I went to high school with

Moving on to university, most of my fellow students and me were just like university students are supposed to be. Pretending to be adults, while still acting like kids. At the university graduation, I still didn't feel much closer to being what I by now considered an adult, someone who was mature, acted with responsibility and had a stable life. I did have a future job though, which was a step in the right direction.

Graduation Dinner,  2010

In line waiting for my degree

Finally I have it in my hands!

Now, two years after graduation university, one would think that I would finally feel like I have grown up and become and adult. 


I feel further from being an adult as ever. In about 17 days I will no longer have a job due to me going travelling for an extended period of time. I am doing the total opposite to what I thought an adult should be like. 

Many of my friends are getting married, having kids and are living responsible adult lives. Is it really that bad not wanting to really grow up and instead try to live a free life as long as possible without being attached to your responsibilities?
When do we really become adults? Is it a feeling inside or is it when the law says at 18 you are now officially adults?