Thursday, 5 July 2012

Mosques, smoking volcanoes and temples

Today has been a long day. It started promptly at 4.30 by the mosques in the city calling out to prayer. What I didn't realize when I moved into my home stay, is that there is either a mosque or a speaker right next door. However being woken up at that time was perfect for me today, as at 5 am. I was going to take a bus to Boroburdur which is a Buddhist temple 1 hours drive from Yogyakarta. On the way there we pass a volcano which was actually smoking in the morning light. That was a awesome sight. 
At 6 in the morning, just after the sun had risen, we arrived at the temple. It is this amazing structure built in the 8th century. There were to many Buddha statues to even count!

After Boroburdur, all 8 of us climbed back into the bus which proceeded to drive us to a Buddhist monastery. It was a beautiful and tranquil place.

After the calm and tourist free monastery, we all once again got onto the bus which this time took us to Prambanan. This time it was as Hindu temple. After the earthquakes a few years ago a lot of the structures were damaged and they are still restoring the harm which was done.

Doesn't this look like the cat from Alice in Wonderland?

1 comment:

  1. Jävligt avundsjuk kära syster. Det ser helt wunderbar ut! Gör inget dumt nu :)
